Vera Holloway, PHD
As a wife, mom, business owner, women’s ministry leader, and licensed counselor, I’m wear a lot of hats and have learned a lot about boundaries and balance.
As licensed professional counselor, certified mediator, and Christian counselor, I see people from all different walks of life – primarily focused on trauma, marriage and family. I have a heart for women who are held back by shame, insecurities, brokenness, heartache, rejection, guilt, and unworthiness. During my graduate doctorate study, God put on my heart to take a closer look at these core issues women were experiencing. From this, as well as my experiences in my personal life and as a counselor, I wrote a women’s curriculum titled, Beauty from Ashes: My Journey from Broken to Beautiful. From this I have seen God hand move on so many – finding healing, restoration and new life in Christ!
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